WIN Member Agreement
By completing the membership registration process, you expressly agree to be bound by the terms and conditions below, the Terms and Conditions of Use and any other terms, conditions, notices and disclaimers displayed elsewhere on the network of the WIN Websites.
These terms and conditions apply to your use of the WIN Website and Interactive Service (“Website”) owned or operated by WIN Corporation Pty Limited (“WIN”) and its affiliated companies (collectively “WIN” "we," "us," or "our"). Unless we say otherwise, all references to the WIN Website in these terms and conditions, includes all such Websites and Interactive Services, including this Website and any Interactive Services it offers. These terms and conditions do not apply to your use of unaffiliated Websites to which the Website only links.
Your Username and Password
When registering as a member of a WIN Website, you will register with a username and a password. Screen names and usernames may not be offensive, deceptive or violate any other party's rights.
You must ensure that these remain confidential at all times since you are entirely responsible for all activities which occur under your username and password. It is also a condition of membership that you supply certain membership information as part of this registration process.
You must notify WIN immediately if you become aware of any un-authorised use of your username and password. Each username and password must be used by a single user and is not transferable.
Registration with other WIN Websites
Your username and password can also be used to access other the WIN Website. Should you wish to register for the WIN Website, you will be prompted to enter your current username and password and if verified, you will be asked to verify that you wish to register with the current website. This facility is not available on unaffiliated or third-party websites to which the Website only links.
User Participation
Children's contributions should be supervised by an adult.
You may be held legally responsible for the content you submit to the Websites.
All material published on the Websites is at WIN's sole discretion.
Your contribution may be edited, removed or not published if WIN considers it to be:
• defamatory, or otherwise unlawful or that it violates laws regarding harassment, discrimination, racial vilification, privacy or contempt;
• intentionally false or misleading;
• an infringement of intellectual property rights or copyright;
• abusive, offensive or obscene;
• in-appropriate, off topic, repetitive or vexatious. For example WIN reserves the right to reject contributions that have been widely canvassed in the comment or forum. It also reserves the right to reject contributions from participants who seek to dominate the discussion;
• compromising the privacy of yourself, other contributors or of WIN staff, or containing inappropriate personal information;
• seeking to endorse commercial products or activities or to unduly promote commercial products or services;
• seeking to directly solicit donations;
• deliberate provocation of other community members;
• a posting on behalf of a suspended member. This may lead to you also having your membership deactivated.
WIN reserves the right to archive and republish all contributions to its interactive services across all platforms.
WIN reserves the right to use contributions for internal training purposes.
Participation conditions may vary across WIN interactive services.
Repeated breaches of these Conditions of Use may cause WIN to complain to the Internet Service Provider of the person responsible, and in very serious cases, initiate legal action.
Membership Information
When registering as a member of a Website, you must provide WIN with accurate, complete and up-to-date information as requested. It is your responsibility to inform WIN of any changes to that information. You may do this at any time by clicking on the 'Change details' section. All personal information you provide WIN as a member will be treated in accordance with our Privacy Policy
Suspension and Termination by WIN
WIN may, at its discretion, suspend or terminate your membership and access to the WIN Website at any time should we believe that you are in violation of any of the Member Agreement, Website Terms and Conditions, any of the website guidelines or for any other behaviour that we in our discretion, believe is inappropriate.
In such an event, we will notify you and the following will apply:
• You are no longer authorised to access the Website(s);
• You will continue to be subject to and bound by all restrictions imposed on you by these terms and conditions; and
• All licenses granted by you and all disclaimers by WIN and limitations of WIN's liability set out in these terms and conditions or elsewhere on WIN will survive.
Updates To WIN Websites
WIN may, at its discretion, change the WIN Website to add, alter or discontinue any feature of membership including content, hours of availability and equipment required for access.
Updates To Membership Terms
WIN may, at its discretion, change and update the WIN Membership Agreement, the WIN Terms and Conditions of Use or its Privacy Policy at any time. Updated versions of these documents will be made available on each WIN Website. You are responsible for ensuring that you regularly review these documents. Your continued use of your membership of the WIN Television Website after any such changes are made will be deemed to constitute your acceptance of those changes.
Discontinuing Membership
If you object to these terms and conditions or any subsequent modifications to them, or wish to discontinue your membership for any reason, you should immediately:
a) discontinue your use of the WIN Website in question; and
b) terminate your membership by using the de-activation function available on the Website.
Comments and Complaints
Comments, complaints and suggestions about the content and management of particular interactive services can be made on the particular interactive service or via the Feedback Form on this site.
(This page last updated: November 18th 2016)